The Center for Human Performance & Health and Faculty of Human Kinetics offers a wide range of opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students with work and life experiences outside of the classroom.

Undergraduate Opportunities

  • Becoming a co-operative education student is a great way to learn in a practical setting while learning about the different paths a human kinetics degree can take someone. This opportunity allows students to gain technical and work-related skills outside of the classroom. The co-operative program gives students two studying semesters and one paid work semester a year.

    Role: Human Performance Co-Operative Assistant
    There are a number of roles within this position including, but not limited to, the students administering sport performance tests, assisting in research projects and working alongside the athletic therapy and strength & conditioning teams in supporting the varsity athletes.

  • Ignite is an on-campus, inclusive employment program open to students at the University of Windsor. This program helps gain hands-on skills and provides financial benefits for the students involved.


    Lancer Study Strength & Conditioning Assistant
    Lancer Athlete Sport Performance Assistant
    Clinical Exercise Research Assistant
    APEX Community Program Coordinator

    For more information about ignite please click here

  • The CHPH offers volunteer opportunities for undergraduate students for ongoing projects and athlete testing. For more information, please contact us directly by email (

  • Undergraduate students in their third or fourth year of their studies are able to work in an internship placement through a course, KINE-4980, that will count as a one credit for their degree on a pass/non-pass basis. The internship requires the student to work in a supervised setting nine hours a week for one semester.

Graduate Opportunities

  • The Masters of Human Kinetics program provides an option for a hands-on work placement that compliments the students coursework, helps explore career options and apply theoretical content into a practical sense. This stream requires a minimum of 360 hours in the placement and a research project for the internship experience. The research project will provide a foundation of research for students in academic programs beyond a Master’s in Human Kinetics degree.

    For more information about the MHK program please click here

  • The Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology program involves a community-based focus to ensure the well-being of individuals and the community. One of the mandatory courses in the Doctoral program is a community-based internship which integrate the students into ongoing community initiatives, and requires the individual to meet the needs of others while improving well-being as a whole. This course will take place in the second year of the program and requires 120 to 160 hours of work and the production of a piece of work representing their research and findings throughout their placement.

    For more information about the PhD program please click here

Katie Hirsch

Ph.D. Candidate in the Sport Psychology and Physical Activity Research Collaborative (SPPARC)

Roles: I worked alongside mental performance consultants within the SPPARC lab where we assisted Lancer athletes through performing and working as a team and, helped develop the Lancer Mental Performance Consulting Team-Building Guide.

My Experience in CHPH: I helped in bridging the gap between applied work conducted in CHPH and Lancer athletics with the research being conducted in the SPPARC lab.